In this podcast episode, I will cover the 5 most common meal planning mistakes I see people make and easy ways to fix them.


If you asked me 10 years ago if I thought I would end up a meal planning expert, my response would have been, “That’s a thing?” However, as someone who loves organization and efficiency, it makes total sense that I would fall in love with the puzzle solving aspect of the job. Plus when done well, it means so much time and money saved.

As someone who’s been doing this for quite awhile (7 years!) and for thousands of families each week, I’ve learned quite a lot about what makes a good meal plan. I’ve also received hundreds of emails over the years from people trying to do it themselves but just not quite getting it right.

I packed this short 20 minute episode with tips that everyone can use, even though who currently use our meal plan service. After listening, you’ll have a better understanding of how to:

Select the right recipes every week Make better use of your time by not cooking every single night Create a meal plan that eliminates food waste Make just 1 trip to the grocery store

Have you made any of these mistakes? Or is there another mistake you want to share? Head to our show notes and leave us a comment and also grab all the links mentioned in this episode.