What does it mean to be a “good guy with a gun” versus a “bad guy with a gun,” and how can you tell them apart? Who are the “sheep,” the “sheepdogs,” and the “wolves”? What does it mean to be law-abiding or not? And how much is the desire to own a gun about self-defense versus identity? Guests: Alexandra Filindra, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois, Chicago; Angela Stroud, Associate Professor, Sociology and Social Justice, Northland College; Mary Anne Franks, Professor of Law at the University of Miami. | insicknessandinhealthpodcast.com | glow.fm/insicknessandinhealth | #EndGunViolence #GunViolence #GVP #GunSafety #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #MeansMatter #Instrumentality #SelfDefense #GoodGuyWithAGun #GoodGuy #Sheepdog #ERPO #ExtremeRiskProtectionOrder #RedFlag #GVPO #MassShooting #IntimatePartnerViolence #DomesticViolence #EveryTown #MomsDemandAction #MomsDemand #StudentsDemandAction #StudentsDemand #MarchForOurLives #BradyCampaign #FamilyFire #Giffords #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #ThisIsOurLane #EnoughIsEnough #NeverAgain #NationalEmergency #MedHum #MedHumChat #NarrativeMedicine #HealthHumanities #SocialMedicine #SocialJustice #SDoH