Opioid abuse is affecting small towns across the U.S. in unprecedented ways. In 2015, Austin, Indiana was ground zero for one of the biggest HIV outbreaks in U.S. history -- the end result of sharing Opana and syringes. Guests: Bekki, a resident of Austin and mother to an injection drug user who got HIV; Dr. Will Cooke, the only doctor in Austin; Wayne Crabtree, Director of the Office of Addiction Services at Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness; and Dr. Carolyn Wester, the Medical Director for HIV, STD and Viral Hepatitis at the Tennessee Department of Health. | insicknessandinhealthpodcast.com | glow.fm/insicknessandinhealth | #Opioid #Opiate #OpioidCrisis #OpioidEpidemic #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Suicide #Depression #Trauma #ACEs #Abuse #Addiction #DrugAddiction #SubstanceAbuse #OpioidAbuse #Overdose #NAS #Heroin #Fentanyl #Oxycontin #Oxycodone #Percocet #Vicodin #HarmReduction #Methadone #Buprenorphine #Suboxone #Subutex #MAT #OST #HIV #HCV #HepC #NeedleExchange #SyringeExchange #SIFs #SupervisedConsumption #SupervisedInjection #Enable #Diversion #LEAD #Reentry #Faith #Religion #12step #AA #NA #Abstinence #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Equity #Disparities #HealthDisparities #MedHum #MedHumChat #NarrativeMedicine #HealthHumanities #SocialMedicine #SocialJustice #SDoH