Dr. Betty Kovacs joins the show to discuss consciousness. The rational conceptual brain verse the symbolic brain, we discuss reasons why they are separated and not treated as a whole. Dr. Kovacs shares insight on the history of matter and how it is viewed by science today. How the churches and mystics became what we now know as modern science. Has the church blocked our ancestor knowledge of a clearer connection to consciousness? Dr. Kovacs also discusses how philosophers and mysticism helped form our idea of consciousness before Western Plato philosophy. Another deep discussion with the great and knowledgeable Dr. Betty Kovacs. 

Website:  https://kamlak.com

YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/user/KimberlySaavedra

Frequency of Love in a Dying World:  https://youtu.be/8ilOzvz-18w

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/The-Kamlak-Center-Videos-Putting-Birth-Death-Back-Together-Again-213684922010449/

Merchants of Light:  https://www.amazon.com/Merchants-Light-Consciousness-Changing-World/dp/0972100555

The Miracle of Death:  https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Death-There-Nothing-Life/dp/0972100504

Website: www.insearchofrealitypodcast.com 


Instagram: www.instagram.com/insearchofreality 

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