Katerini Storeng is an associate professor at the Centre for Development and the Environment at the University of Oslo.  She directs the interdisciplinary Global Health Politics research group and is the Deputy Director of the Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health, an initiative to follow up the Lancet-University of Oslo Commission's agenda on the political determinants of health inequity. 

Dr. Storeng's research advances a critical, ethnographic perspective on the social and political dynamics shaping global health research and policy. She is particularly interested in how global public-private partnerships, scientific communities and civil society coalitions shape and challenge prevailing understandings and approaches to global public health.


"The uncomfortable truth about Norway’s pandemic leadership" (Sept. 2021)"The Smartphone Pandemic: How Big Tech and public health authorities partner in the digital response to Covid-19", Global Public Health (2021)"Africa CDC, IFRC, and USAU call for Equitable Vaccine Coverage in Africa" (Sept. 2021)"Biden to Push Global Plan toBattle Covid as National Gaps Widen" (New York Times, 22 Sept. 2021)"Risky business: COVAX and the financialization of global vaccine equity", Globalization and Health (Felix Stein, 2021)


Katerini StorengDan Banik In Pursuit of Development





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