Simone Dietrich is an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Geneva. Her research interests are in International Development, international and comparative political economy and democratization. She is a member of the EGAP network that promotes rigorous knowledge accumulation, innovation, and evidence-based policy across development domains. Prior to her academic career, she was development practitioner in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In her new book States, Markets and Foreign Aid, Simone explores why some donors (e.g. US, UK, Sweden) systematically bypass local authorities in recipient countries while implementing aid projects, while others (such as Germany, France, and Japan) tend to engage and work closely with local authorities. She argues that ideological orientations about the role of the state in donor countries shape the structure of foreign aid bureaucracies and, therefore, influence current aid delivery patterns and how donors approach international development. 


"States, Markets, and Foreign Aid" (Cambridge University Press, 2021)"Elite Experiments: Strengthening Scholarship While Bridging the Gap" (Duck of Minerva, 2021)"From Text to Political Positions on Foreign Aid: Analysis of Aid Mentions in Party Manifestos from  1960 to 2015" (International Studies Quarterly, 2020)"Overseas Credit-Claiming and Domestic Support for Foreign Aid" (Journal of Experimental Political Science, 2019)"Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, and Domestic Government Legitimacy: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh" (Journal of Politics, 2018)"Foreign aid can help combat anti-Western sentiment in Bangladesh" (Monkey Cage, Washington Post 2016)For other research on foreign aid and democracy promotion etc please consult Simone Dietrich`s research profile



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