Dr. Elizabeth Chatterjee is an assistant professor of environmental history at the University of Chicago. Her research explores how non-Western energy histories disrupt conventional understandings of capitalist development, the social dynamics of climate change, and green political thought.

"India and the 1.5°C warning: The power of political targets" (The Asia Dialogue)"The Asian Anthropocene: Electricity and Fossil Developmentalism"(Journal of Asian Studies , 2020)“New Developmentalism and Its Discontents: State Activism in Modi’s Gujarat and India” (Development and Change, 2020)"The politics of electricity reform: Evidence from West Bengal, India" (World Development, 2018)"Dissipated energy: Indian electric power and the politics of blame" (Contemporary South Asia, 2012)Liz Chatterjee on TwitterDan Banik and In Pursuit of Development on Twitter



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