Our guest on this very special (100th) episode is someone I greatly admire and needs very little introduction. Helen Clark has engaged widely in policy development and advocacy across the international, economic, social and cultural spheres. She was Prime Minister of New Zealand for nine years and has also served as the administrator of the United Nations Development Programme. Since 2019, she has chaired the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and in 2020, she was appointed co-chair of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, established by the World Health Organization. In addition to serving on numerous advisory boards and commissions, Helen is a strong and highly influential voice on gender equality and women’s leadership, sustainable development, climate action, peace and justice, and global health. Twitter: @HelenClarkNZ



Transforming or Tinkering? Inaction lays the groundwork for the next pandemic (Report of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response)It is time for ambitious, transformational change to the epidemic countermeasures ecosystem (The Lancet, 2023)The Helen Clark Foundation


Key highlights:

Introduction - 00:45Development as it ought to be understood - 04:10The fragmented global development agenda - 08:10Role and relevance of the United Nations system - 15:37Preparing for the next pandemic - 20:28How politicians translate research into policy - 35:35The challenges faced by female leaders - 42:20



Professor Dan Banik, University of Oslo, Twitter: @danbanik  @GlobalDevPod

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Professor Dan Banik (@danbanik @GlobalDevPod)

Apple Spotify YouTube





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