Next Episode: Episode 99 - Warning

Deep dish. We stole a segment from the good good boys. 1-800-HotNReady. The sauciest boner. We listen in on a national pizza chain's marketing meeting. Side effects may include: terrible rapping. Fuck brick roads. Dual Seg. Bobpod Cats.

This episode brought to you by Lil Queasy's new ExtraMostAsbestos Pizza, The Reel Feels Podcast ( | @ReelFeelsPod on Twitter | @reelfeelspodcast on Instagram), The LadySh!t with Lily and Britt podcast ( | @ladyshit_pod on Twitter | @ladyshit_pod on Instagram), and Smegmavision!

Friend of the pod, Reason hooked us up with his new track, "Teacher's Lounge (feat. LKHD)"! It's a love letter to his girlfriend, with a R&B feel to it. Super sweet, and great lyrics as always! Get over to and buy an album!

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