It would seem as though prayer would be a fundamental part of a Christian's life. While most would say it is, the truth is many Christians struggle to build solid rhythms and habits when it comes to their prayer life. 

We aren't as intentional at making prayer a priority as we could be, for a number of reasons. I unpack that and much more this week with Val Woerner, founder of ValMarie Paper and creator of a fantastic line of focused prayer journals.

For years my wife Emily has used Val's prayer journals to write out her monthly prayers, and in the past year I started using them, too. It makes it so easy to list out our prayers for ourselves, our family, our nation, our world, our friends, and everyone and everything in between. There's even a spot for answered prayers, too. 

Val is also about to release a new book of pre-written prayers called Springboard Prayer, which is designed to help those who struggle with how to pray, when to pray, and what to pray about.

I so appreciate this conversation, especially as we near the end of a year and enter into a season where people will be looking to start anew with new habits and new rhythms. There's no better time than now to start making prayer part of your daily rhythm.

It's also funny how God works. Emily and I were talking recently about how we really have neglected our prayer life this year when we really should have been clinging to it. I've had this episode planned for weeks, and just yesterday our church launched a new series all about prayer and the entire congregation will be participating in 40 days of corporate prayer. It's called 40 Full, and each week we'll have a different topic or group of people to pray about. The first week will be all about our elected officials and government workers. Seems like a good time for that!

Whether you have a church home or not, I invite you to join me in this prayer journey. If you're looking for a way to get started on prioritizing prayer, this is a great way to start. If you're interested and want to know more, click here:

Be sure to check out Val's website,, to read her blogs on prayer and purchase one of her prayer journals. You can follow her on Instagram @ValWoerner ( or @ValMariePaper (

You can also follow me on Twitter @ColeClaybourn ( and Instagram @coleclaybourn ( Each Monday I also send out a weekly newsletter that includes a weekly devotional/article and a link to my podcast episode that week. I also do occasional giveaways, so be sure to subscribe:


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