Finca La Fany has been producing coffee in El Salvador since 1870, and has belonged to the same family from generation to generation. Situated on the Santa Ana volcano, the farm provides work for 24 families in the community. It's in a biological corridor that stretches for 27 hectares from Mexico to Panama, and grows mostly Bourbon + a small amount of Pacamara.

We first worked with this farm back in 2004 when Hasbean was only Steve roasting in his garage at home, and this was one of the first relationship coffees we as a company were able to buy. Since then it's a relationship that's really gone from strength to strength.

Carmen and Rafael continually invest in the milling of their own coffee and improving the facilities they have, which has really driven this shade-grown coffee to just get better and better year after year. We think you can really taste the continuous development in the cup; this is one of our all-time favourites, and it's one of the coffees that we'd be absolutely devastated to lose if we were ever unable to get it.

In the cup this is caramel, caramel and caramel. There's a shoulder of sweet orange in there, and a hint of dark chocolate on the aftertaste, but the caramel makes this super easy and moreish.

Country: El Salvador
Department: Ahuachapán
Municipality: Apaneca
Farm: La Fany

Farmer: Carmen and Rafael Da Silva

Farm size: 20.30 hectares

Coffee growing area: 20.30 hectares

Altitude: 1,450 m.a.s.l.

Varietal: Bourbon

Processing system: Washed

Caramel, sweet orange, dark chocolate.

Clean cup: (1–8): 6
Sweetness: (1–8): 7.5
Acidity: (1–8): 6
Mouthfeel: (1–8): 6.5
Flavour: (1–8): 6.5
Aftertaste: (1–8): 6
Balance: (1–8): 7
Overall: (1–8): 6.5
Correction:(+36): +36

Total: (max. 100): 88

Roasting Information
Medium dark - just into the first pops of second crack and drop.

"Quick Look" Guide
Caramel, sweet orange, dark chocolate.