Quite close to Kieni near the town of Karatina, Nyeri, is the Karogoto wet mill. It's owned by the Tekangu Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society, which got its name from combining the names of their three mills: Tegu, Karogoto and Ngunguru. Much like Kieni, it has seen success in recent years and has secured some really great prices for the farmers that deliver their coffee cherries there.

The mill is split in half by a road, with the sorting shed and fermentation tanks on the lower side and the drying beds on the upper slope of the hill. Both sides are pretty steep, with a great view of the valley and weaver birds making their homes in the trees around the mill.

The mill is managed by Ephraim Maina Muthee, who showed us around when we visited in 2016. Steve planted a coffee plant with Ephraim on the slope just below the sorting shed.

In the cup expect a jar of marmalade. Orange, golden syrup and brown sugar gets a kick of classically Kenyan blackcurrant on the finish.

Country: Kenya
County: Nyeri
Nearest town: Karatina
Mill: Karagoto
Owners: Tekangu Coffee Farmers Cooperative Society
Contributing farmers: 1,700+
Altitude: 1,700 m.a.s.l.
Varietal: SL28 & SL34
Processing method: Washed
Average rainfall: 1,500 mm
Temperature range: 12–27°C
Soil type: Well-drained red volcanic soil rich in phosphorus

Marmalade, orange, golden syrup, brown sugar, blackcurrant.

Clean cup: (1–8): 7
Sweetness: (1–8): 7
Acidity: (1–8): 8
Mouthfeel: (1–8): 6.5
Flavour: (1–8): 7
Aftertaste: (1–8): 6.5
Balance: (1–8): 6
Overall: (1–8): 7
Correction: (+36): +36

Total: (max. 100): 91

Roasting Information
Medium - nice and quickly through to the end of the gap, aaaand drop.

"Quick Look" Guide
Marmalade, orange, golden syrup, brown sugar, blackcurrant.