Located between 1,500 and 1,600 metres above sea level and owned in partnership by Oldemar Arrieta Lobo and Marlene Brenes Morera, the name 'Vista al Valle' translates as 'view of the valley'. I'm sure you'll understand why if you take a look at some of the pictures on the left of this page - b.e.a.utiful!

Vista al Valle sits in the same wonderful coffee growing area as some of our other amazing Costa Rican coffee farms - we're talking the likes of Finca Licho, ARBAR Manantial + Oasis and Zarcero, The Western Valley definitely has a certain something about it and the coffees that come out of the region are just stunning.

Oldemar and Marlene have processed this coffee at a virtually brand new micro mill, which is in only its fifth year of production (youngster in the world of coffee mills!) They both learnt their skills while working for other people, but now they have a mill of their own as well as three farms: this one surrounds the home where they live which is why it's Finca La Casa (see what they did there?) the other farms are called Zapote and Fidel. Fidel won the Costa Rican Cup of Excellence 3 years ago too, as you do.

The varietals grown at Vista al Valle are Villa Sarchi and Caturra. They use the sun-dried processing method in their poly tunnel, and then the Yellow Honey process.

In the cup expect lime cordial, but with a malty sweetness. That malty sweetness grows as it cools and brings a dried fruit flavour to the finish that reminds me of sultanas.

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Western Valley
Micro-region: Naranjo, Lourdes
City: Naranjo de Alajuela
Farm: Finca La Casa
Micro mill: Vista al Valle
Farmer: Oldemar Arrieta Lobo and Marlene Brenes Morera
Farm size: 20 hectares
Coffee growing area: 15 hectares
Altitude: 1,500–1,600 m.a.s.l.
Varietals: Villa Sarchí and Caturra
Drying method: Poly tunnel, sun dried
Processing system: Yellow honey

Lime cordial, malt, sultana.

Clean cup: (1–8): 6.5
Sweetness: (1–8): 7
Acidity: (1–8): 7.5
Mouthfeel: (1–8): 6
Flavour: (1–8): 7
Aftertaste: (1–8): 6
Balance: (1–8): 6
Overall: (1–8): 7
Correction: (+36): +36

Total: (max. 100): 89

Roasting Information
Medium - don't let it into second, but this is a very forgiving coffee that'll happily reward different roast profiles.

"Quick Look" Guide
Lime cordial, malt, sultana.