In this episode of the It’s Not About The Money podcast (formerly the In Her Financial Shoes podcast), I am going to be looking at 6 psychology based tricks that will help you to save more money.

Around 47% of UK adults do not have money set aside for changes in life events such as unemployment or illness. Most of us want to save more money and have greater financial stability. Our behaviour with money is a combination of our Money StoryType™ and learned behaviours. 

With these 6 psychology-based tips, you will be able to transition away from negative thought patterns around money and into a place of empowerment helping you to achieve your savings goals for this year.


In this episode:

Changing your mindset around savings How to use your hourly rate to increase your saving pots Why it is never too late to make changes What impact your savings timeline has on your success How behaviour patterns will give you insights on where you can make changes



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