One of Australia’s foremost guitarists, Slava Grigoryan is counted as among the finest musicians of his generation. He appears on a whopping 29 albums and, along with his brother and fellow guitarist Leonard, has won 4 ARIA awards and been nominated for countless more. He’s performed in venues around the world, from London’s Royal Albert Hall to Vienna’s Konzerthaus, and is not afraid to perform all genres.

He and Leonard, along with fellow guitarists Andrew Blanch and Vlad Gorbarch, are launching the Australian Guitar Quartet, performing their first concert at The Great Synagogue, on Tuesday 28 February as part of Live at Yours. Since recording this interview, Live at Yours have scheduled a second concert at The Great Synagogue on Wednesday 1 March.

In this conversation, Slava talks about the impetus behind the Australian Guitar Quartet, shares the story of his parents leaving the USSR when he was a very small child to find a new home in Australia, and has tales from his long and successful career, including working with KD Lang.