One of today’s most notable and exciting keyboard artists, Kristian Bezuidenhout is equally at home on either the fortepiano, harpsichord, or modern piano, but it's in period keyboards that he has specialised. Now based in London, he’s led many ensembles, including the English Consort, the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra, Les Art Florissant, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra to name only a few, and has recorded nearly 30 albums. He’s a great friend of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, and he’s back in Australia to guest direct the orchestra.

In this conversation, Kristian takes us on a deep dive into the fortepiano and why he has become so enamoured with this era of keyboard. We hear about the subtleties required for this instrument and the variations it acquired over time.

Kristian Bezuidenhout directs the Australian Chamber Orchestra for Beethoven's Emperor around Australia until 24 March.