In this episode we talked with Martin Ehl, the chief international editor of the economic daily Hospodarske noviny. We covered all things Czech Republic, including the ongoing government crisis, instability in Czech politics, and the chances of Orbanization in the near future.

History minute: Švejk and anti-elitism


The Poisoned Quill, Martin Ehl, Visegrad Insight, 5 May 2017

The Czech Donald Trump, Benjamin Cunningham, Politico Europe, 29 October 2015

Czech Republic: From Post-Communist Idealism to Economic Populism, Ondrej Cisar, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, January 2017

Czechoslovakia After 25 Years: Democracy without Democrats, Jiří Pehe, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2014

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In this episode we talked with Martin Ehl, the chief international editor of the economic daily Hospodarske noviny. We covered all things Czech Republic, including the ongoing government crisis, instability in Czech politics, and the chances of Orbanization in the near future.

History minute: Švejk and anti-elitism


The Poisoned Quill, Martin Ehl, Visegrad Insight, 5 May 2017

The Czech Donald Trump, Benjamin Cunningham, Politico Europe, 29 October 2015

Czech Republic: From Post-Communist Idealism to Economic Populism, Ondrej Cisar, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, January 2017

Czechoslovakia After 25 Years: Democracy without Democrats, Jiří Pehe, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2014

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