Your calling gets thwarted. “Wrong color”. Parents try and shield you from civil unrest going on because you’re from the “Wrong part of town” . “Wrong friends”, you’re the leader in a deadly gang. “Wrong job”, injury crushes your greatest asset and hopes for success.

Could you turn to God and trust him to not only be your savior, but to do the impossible? Give you abilities that you’ve never had training for and yet soar to the highest heights in your field. Hear the work of God in Steve’s life and how it led this humble man to experience the impossible through his redemption.

(This podcast is just a teaser. The movie Colors of Character will be released in November 2020. Don’t miss it! Great movie to invite your friend to.)

Steve Skipper is an untrained artist who has received unprecedented recognition in the world of sports and civil rights art. Once a drug-addicted gang member, Steve went to church on a dare and was transformed.  He committed to listening to God and walking through the doors that God opens for him…and that journey has him creating art for some of the biggest names in politics, sports, civil rights, and more.

Chatting with Steve is simply inspiring. The details of his life, learning how God guides his paint strokes, discussing how God is the creator of Creativity, seeing how God is using Steve to break down barriers of racism in the art world, archiving the legends of Civil Rights and Sports - it is all an incredible testimony to God’s amazing plan for us, and what happens if truly hear his voice and follow his lead. And each day, Steve will tell you, he literally can’t start painting “until God shows up” in his studio!