Rosa Parks Beyond the Bus: Life, Lessons, and Leadership is a collection of inspiring and instructive memories compiled from the decade that Mrs. Parks was a guest in author H.H. Leonard’s Washington, DC home. During those years, Mrs. Leonard’s was able to know the heart, mind, and spirit of the woman who refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus on December 1, 1955. The author shares her remembrances, both delightful and somber, in a way that offers readers an intimate and personal glimpse into the personhood of Mrs. Parks

H.H. Leonards is a wife, mother of three, and founder of O Museum in The Mansion in Washington, DC, where Mrs. Rosa Parks, her friends, and business associates lived with her, at no cost, as part of The Mansion and O Museum’s Heroes-In-Residence Program. The Mansion was founded in 1980 as an enterprise whose higher purpose is to provide a unique forum where clients come to learn from one another and foster the development of diversity, the creative process and the human spirit.

Reverend Leonards has also been the executive director of a global computer foundation. In this capacity, she was responsible for the distribution of more than $100 million of computer equipment and services. She has also been CMO of several international corporations. Her expertise is digital strategies, sustained execution, and return on investment.

Throughout her professional career, Ms. Leonards has focused on making it economically feasible for corporations to leverage their philanthropic contributions for their benefit and the benefit of society. She has tirelessly worked to encourage companies and individuals to translate their personal visions into a mission of service. As a consultant to the Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, she helped them found cause-related marketing for their clients.

She is also the founder of PIR Marketing, Beauty Unites and Co-Founder of