How do I trust God that puts myself on the line? Maybe even with public scrutiny? Andrea talks about how that is happening around the world as our brothers and sisters in Christ enter the marketplaces in their cities and use their gifts of healing and prophecy to reach out to others. Is everyone healed? No, that’s not their goal. But everyone they touch realizes there is a God who loves them.   

Andrea was born into a volatile situation, with an abusive father who threatened to kill his mother multiple times. He and his mother fled and tried to start a new life when they were introduced to Jesus by a neighbor. After a supernatural intervention with Jesus, his mother was radically changed and soon after, Andrea responded to the promptings of God.

His story and the other stories of how God is working in the world today (seen in his documentaries like “Christ in You”) will inspire and bring awe! 

He’s part of the pastoral staff at Vineyard Bern, Switzerland where he leads and coordinates ministries that work to equip the body of Christ for a supernatural lifestyle to impact the whole world. He is an author, itinerate revivalist and filmmaker. He is co-Executive Producer of “Christ in You: The Voice”, which follows believers around the world that are using their gifts of the Holy Spirit to express the presence of God’s love.