A new website has just launched, created for Muslims who seek to learn about the Christian faith, as well as Christians who love and care about them. ChristianfromMuslim.com uniquely combines teaching, testimonies, expert answers to Muslim questions, and shares the reality of life for a former Muslim.

Our interviewee and the Website host Dr. Cynthia explains, “The flood of immigrants into the West over the past two decades might be a risk, but it is not a purposeless accident. God moved Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and others here so that they can come to know him (Acts 17:26-27). In obedience to Christ, and filled with his love, we must engage them!”

The site was created with 2 basic objectives. The first is to provide free training so that every Christian in America and beyond can be prepared to bring Muslims to Christ: churches, Christian colleges, missionaries, individuals, and interest groups. Anyone can now gain skills and insights that previously would cost thousands of dollars to gain through seminary courses or expensive conferences.

The second objective of the website is to attract and answer the questions of Muslims seekers, and disciple those who newly believe in Jesus.  Muslims ask questions from their perspective – often not what Christians expect. As we answer them, viewers can see the live reactions of a new believer.

Dr. Cynthia has been involved with ethnic evangelism in the USA for over four decades. Although American and not from the Middle East, her experience, personal, and professional connections with the Muslim World help her to understand and connect with Muslims. In fact, in working with Muslims in the U.S., she says it is often an advantage being an American. They like to know an American who cares.

But Dr. C is more than academic, she loves Muslims! Around town, in their centers, and on campuses, she meets and makes friends with them. Dr. Cynthia has personally spoken to thousands of Muslims, shared the gospel with them, and praise God, seen them come to Christ!

These experiences and relationships have helped her understand Muslim thinking. She is not deceived about the truth of Islam. She has seen firsthand how its principles underlie its practices, leading to the suffering and spiritual hunger of those ruled by it.

In 2002, Dr. C worked overseas with Brother E, a Palestinian evangelist, whom her organization later sponsored to come to America as a missionary. Through him she gained deeper insight into Middle Eastern thinking in general, and specifically how to evangelize Muslims.

Dr. Cynthia has received an Excellence in Teaching award from a major American university, and a community Physician of the Year award.  

A board-certified physician with decades of experience in America, and some overseas, Dr. Cynthia is now retired from medicine, and, besides hosting for www.ChristianfromMuslim.com, she directs American Ethnic Ministries, and is still active in personal evangelism, organizing outreaches, writing tracts and devotionals, and discipling new believers. She has taught in America and overseas for renown ministries, churches of various denominations, and in universities (see partial list below) and has held hospital, church, charity, and community leadership positions.

Because it sounds friendlier, she started going by “Dr. Cynthia” in hospital work, dropping her last name. Now, with Muslim evangelism a capital crime, she continues to go simply by “Dr. Cynthia.” 

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Pl_hCg5PR5R4miXc_gFFQ