With the Great Resignation, the current recession, and other issues, so many teams are facing several crises now. Find out what you can do to lead more effectively through all of these challenges and more.

Did you know that what happens throughout an organization is magnified at the C-Suite or executive level? Of course, each department and each level of the organization struggles with certain things. Today’s guest says something that might surprise you: she says it moves upward. The person at the top is seeing all of it, feeling all of it, and carrying the weight of all of it. That’s a lot of pressure.

In this episode of The Collective Corner, Elena speaks with Annikki Hill, who has spent much of her career in the international financial sector, first as an attorney, and then as a health insurance manager in the Cayman Islands. 

In 2012, Annikki founded her coaching practice, Blue Island Oracle. She works with individuals and corporate groups around the world to create alignment in their lives and within their teams. Annikki’s experience as an industry leader has served her clients well as they explore and expand their own leadership. She shares an interesting perspective on integrity in this episode.

Let’s Get Social!

Want to hear more from Elena? https://elenaarmijo.com/ and https://thec-suitecollective.com/ 

Connect with Annikki Hill in any of these places:

Website: https://blueislandoracle.com/about/  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blueislandoracle 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annikki-hill-llb-accc-a46a847/?originalSubdomain=ky 

Instagram: @blueislandoracle https://www.instagram.com/blueislandoracle/

This podcast was produced by the following amazing team:

John Biethan, President of Imagine Podcasting

Sam De Santo, Creative Director

Rye Taylor, Podcast Design Strategist & Producer

Alan Meaney, Audio Engineer

Meg McCarley, Brand Designer & Social Media Manager

Raejan Noh, Content Writer

Jennifer Harshman, Content Writer

Aaron Boykin, Musician & Artist (Get updates about Aaron’s music via Instagram)