We start off congratulating Michael Rice for his recent EuroVision success and then a brief statement about Skint Britain.

We take a look at cycling initiatives proposed in Hartlepool, we then move onto the UK film market and the film studios in Hartlepool that are set to be the largest outside of London, and a wartime rescue boat is in Hartlepool to be restored and put on display.

We also have another two regular features the first feature we take a look in to ideas or what’s happening in other parts of the country or even the world this section is called Would it Work and asking if it would work in Hartlepool, and on this podcast, we are asking if town wide WIFI initiative in Hartlepool is a possibility?

And the last item is about buying or shopping local, where I review a shop or local service I have used recently and in this episode I’m reviewing LilyAnne’s coffee shop.