Introducing our real-life Bob-Spock, James Ward!                                        

If you’re a Bob-Spock, you are deep into tech and “deep-space nine”. Complex codes and problems don’t stand a chance. Your analytical brain IS what makes you stand out. You’d rather sit in your office or cube than do anything relational. Company get-togethers call for a sick day. You’re super smart but you don’t want to take the time to explain anything to anyone. You have a hard time explaining things.

You can learn more about Bob-Spock in episode 13.

In this episode, we talk with James Ward, who is representing the Bob-Spocks of the workplace. James has spent the last 20 years working as a software developer and technical evangelist for leading technology firms like Google, Salesforce, and Adobe. He is a sought-after global speaker and presenter, being on stage with people like Salesforce CEO Mark Benioff. When he’s not tinkering with technology, he can be found building and launching homemade rockets with his kids or out for a run through the Colorado mountains with his wife.

As a Bob-Spock, you’ll walk away from this interview with James equipped to make an impression, demonstrate your worth, and expand your influence, and enjoy your job.

Follow James Ward on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Channel, StackOverflow and


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Podcast production by Studio C Creative Sound in San Diego, CA.

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