Introducing our real-life Bob-Ross, Dr. Jason Carthen!

If you’re a Bob-Ross, you dream of happy little accidents made positive with those rose-colored glasses. You bring peace and unity wherever you go. You’re calm, cool, and collected, and an absence of conflict is your happy place. You can learn more about Bob-Ross in episode 005.

In this episode, we talk with Dr. Jason Carthen, the Leadership Linebacker, who is representing the Bob-Rosses of the workplace. Dr. Jason shares his Stand Out Tips for Bob-Rosses to be able to maximize your gifts and minimize your deficits. As a Bob-Ross you’ll walk away from this interview with Dr. Jason better equipped to make an impression, demonstrate your worth, expand your influence, and enjoy your job.

Learn more about Dr. Jason Carthen at his website.

Follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


You can watch the video of this episode on our YouTube Channel.

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Podcast production by Studio C Creative Sound in San Diego, CA.