*thanks for patience with rough recording:)

Tonight, as I post this, we will talk about what we are grateful for, after book, before sleep.. as we do each night.. 

So, I ask.. what are the simple things, for you?

Sometimes, just before holiday.. things blow up, expand and contract, hit a wall, get uncomfortable.. it just happens..

Maybe its the pre-stress of the holidays coming.

Maybe all the preparation.

The illnesses with the changing weather.

This week, take a listen.. and hopefully, in the moment.. you will find.. in your own daily reality.. what brings YOU to gratitude and thankfullness.. for the life you have gotten, created and are a part of.

*This week.. is THANKSGIVING.. and as it's a holiday and the last weeks have all been about illness in our home.. 

I think I will take Friday off.. and start again next week.. for FERTILITY OVER 40 FRIDAY..at 9AM Pacific December 3, 2022..

I 'll put a link in, next week:).

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*Free parenting meditation*

Free parent de-stress tips:

Instagram: @Ip_parenting

Tik tok @imperfectparentingariel


Write me:
[email protected]


FREE Fertility Meditation: https://mailchi.mp/00ddad27abb2/freefertilitymeditation223

Instagram and Tik tok: @arielgreenandersson

*Looking to get pregnant over 40? https://bit.ly/2ZbPSdk

*Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you.. https://bit.ly/2HB7uJH
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We’re here to move you through “it’s not possible” to full access to joy and health through creating the life, work and fertility journey that is truly yours:).