Remember Chris and Holly Santillo and their 3 boys and the big transition from their home and martial arts studios.. to being on the move?

And, their book, Resilience Parenting?

Did you read it, yet?! Don’t worry! There’s another chance!;))

2 years of travel.. and self discovery.. and.. putting their book’s principles to work!!

Ready for a great episode?

Conflict resolution, logic, and more are essential learning you don’t always do what you expect.. or feel how ypu imagined you would.

What happens if expectations, principle and attachment aren’t met vs. being open to unknown?

They were surprised about some of the things that came up during the trip and what incredible aha!

So much goodness and shifting in this incredible family.

Life is an opportunity to teach our kids.  How are we using those opportunities?  Do we fail well and teach by example of our own failures and successes? 

Holly and Chris' book guides us through stories of families, martial arts values and their own experiences. 

As well, they have packed up and sold their home and are on the road while world schooling their 3 boys!

Info and Links to Resilience Parenting:

Martial Arts Teachers, A Computer Scientist, and an Anthropologist

Find more info about links and adventures in our blog





Email: [email protected]

Your children will face many challenges in the years ahead, so you want to raise them to be resilient—strong, adaptable, and able to recover. It is your mission to empower your son or daughter to cultivate a functional and fulfilling life. This essential handbook will help you achieve that goal. In Resilience Parenting, martial arts instructors Chris and Holly Santillo share the in

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*Experienced pregnancy loss? I have a little something for you..
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