It's this wonderful, beautiful, sometimes hectic little crazy dance between learning and growing and teaching that we as parents and them as children do. And so if we do a whole family life and leadership coaching, then we are helping everyone grow together. It's rising all the ships at the same time. And it creates this beautiful array, this beautiful tapestry of vulnerability and honesty within a family that the parents understand that the kids are not just kids. The kids are young adults, and they are people with personalities. The kids understand mom and dad are not just mom and dad. They aren't just these authoritarian figures in my life that told me to pick up my laundry and put away the remote. They're actually people with lives. and feelings and experiences too. And when you can bring that together, the leadership and the growth within a family within that team exponentiating, so much can happen.

Get to Know Nellie:  

Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach who focuses on helping parents eliminate power struggles with their daughters and help them grow into confident, wise, and respectful young women that are actually ready for the world!  

She is a wife and mom to 4 daughters, author, speaker and podcaster, homeschooling parent and adventure chaser. She has a degree in biology and psychology and a diverse behavior background from humpback whales in the South Pacific to teens and parents in homes across the world. She believes in a life of intention and making dreams and goals realities. She knows that they best way to help the world is through one living room at a time!


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