In this heartfelt episode, Brieanna opens up about her life's imperfect moments, navigating the challenges of motherhood and business ownership. With a candid and inspiring narrative, she shares her journey of building a business from home, focusing on helping moms and female corporate side hustlers generate additional income without sacrificing their family time or personal well-being.

Brieanna delves into the importance of embracing change, allowing oneself to evolve, and the intersection of faith, family, and entrepreneurship. She offers invaluable advice on switch tasking versus multitasking, the significance of asking for help, and the power of self-love and understanding one's love languages.

Listeners will discover the transformative power of doing less but better, the essence of evolving as a person, and how to navigate the complexities of being an entrepreneur and a mom. Brieanna's story is a testament to the beauty of imperfection, the strength found in vulnerability, and the endless possibilities that arise when we give ourselves permission to grow and change.

Join us for an episode filled with wisdom, laughter, and real-life insights that promise to resonate with moms everywhere striving to wear their many hats gracefully, without burning out. Whether you're a mompreneur, a corporate side hustler, or anyone in between, this conversation with Brieanna Lightfoot Smith is a beacon of light on the imperfect yet beautiful journey of mommying.

Brieanna Lightfoot Smith believes a peaceful home and a purposeful brand can coexist but not without the right intentions. After 6 years of being a full-time stay-at-home mom, she has seen the importance of taking care of yourself as a mom so you can better take care of your family. As a now business and productivity coach as well as systems strategist she's on a mission to help women find more margin in their lives so they can get back to the things that light them up again.

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