In this episode, we delve into the complexities of parenting and how our own upbringing impacts the way we raise our children. Last time, we discussed parenting from a standpoint of faith versus fear. If you missed it, catch up on our previous episode.

Today's focus is on how our past experiences as children shape our parenting styles. As we reminisce about what we appreciated and disliked in our own upbringing, we realize the profound impact it has on how we approach parenting. We share personal anecdotes and insights into this reflective journey.

One major aspect we explore is the concept of changing certain parenting patterns we observed in our own parents. For instance, we talk about navigating away from behaviors like yelling or spanking, aiming to create a more supportive and understanding environment for our children.

Throughout the episode, we uncover the delicate balance between setting boundaries and nurturing the unique characteristics of each child. We emphasize the significance of understanding our children's individuality and how it affects the parent-child relationship.

We delve into how certain parenting tactics—such as yelling or inducing fear to discipline—can influence a child's behavior and their connection with us as parents. It's a nuanced topic, and we discuss the consequences of these methods on a child's growth and development.

Our conversation extends to the idea of how our childhood experiences might impact our choices as parents. We explore the need to be conscious and deliberate in our actions, aiming for progress rather than perfection in our parenting journey.

Join us as we unravel the deep-seated roots of our parenting styles, reflecting on the lessons learned and the changes we've embraced. We explore how healing past wounds and reprogramming our beliefs can lead to a more supportive and nurturing parenting approach.

Towards the end, we excitedly announce the upcoming release of a book, "Good Mom Rules: Ditch Mom Guilt and Find Your Happy," by one of our hosts, showcasing a journey of healing and growth in parenthood. Don't miss our live workshops and support calls to further discuss these parenting tools and challenges.

Thank you for tuning in, and remember, keep healing as we navigate the beautiful, imperfect journey of parenting. Until next time, keep shining your light! Goodbye for now!

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