In this episode, we dive into the importance of staying present with your child. We reflect on the previous episode's discussion about parenting a child as a person rather than focusing solely on their performance. We share personal stories, such as one about a childhood fear, to illustrate the significance of understanding your child's emotions and behaviors.

We emphasize the idea that children's actions often stem from underlying feelings and needs, which parents should strive to uncover. To help listeners stay in the present moment, we introduce a simple breathing exercise, which involves placing one hand on the chest and another on the belly while taking intentional breaths. This exercise is meant to ground and refocus individuals, helping them connect with the present and be more attuned to their child's needs.

We also discuss the power of setting the right energy at home, as it can profoundly affect a child's behavior and emotions. We suggest decompressing and shifting your energy before entering your home to create a more harmonious environment.

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