One of the things that I found that as a parent of a teenager is they get to a point where they don't want to share their emotions with their parents, and they become quite private. They can often be quite ashamed of it. They don't want to see therapists for the same reason. They just get stuck in this little world of sort of misery and what I call non-thought, because they're just perceiving everything in the wrong way. I just sort of thought it would be lovely if I could do a book where they can read it themselves with exercises. So it's like having your own personal therapist in a book. It's very supportive and guides them, by themselves, to really uncover what's going on for them - what's really behind everything.  

Get to Know Eleanor:  

I spent the first part of my working life as an editor and graphic designer. After my daughter was born I decided I wanted to do something completely different so I started training as a counsellor. I then went on to become an EFT therapist and trained in Matrix-Reimprinting, META-Health and Human Design. During this time I did a lot of self development work on myself, exploring the subject very thoroughly (my bookshelves are full of self-help books!).


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