In this episode, Sarah and I discuss foster parenting children who ve experienced trauma, what she did when she felt unqualified as a foster mom and how she s used her new-found knowledge to help other parents learn and grow with their children.
Sarah Salisott is a Certified Parent Coach whose passion is helping families with children who have experienced trauma or struggle with attachment.
She started The Foster Lane Parent Coaching in 2016. Her goal: Use coaching to help others avoid some of the parenting challenges her own family faced.
She s spent over 1,500 hours researching trauma, children s brain development, parenting strategies, and foster and adoptive parenting. She successfully completed the masters-level Parent Coach Certification program through the Parent Coaching Institute , completed the initial training in Theraplay , and continue to attend conferences on trauma-informed parenting.
Now she works with parents to help remove barriers to reunification as well as support the parents of children working toward other permanency options. Advice/dp/1098352955/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2E5A86U3DRJNS dchild=1 keywords=welcome+to+the+foster+lane qid=1622151838 sprefix=welcome+to+the+foster%2Caps%2C205 sr=8-1

Book recommendation(s): The Power of Showing Up by Daniel J. Siegel
Parenting From the Inside Out by Daniel J. Siegel
What Happened to You? By Oprah Winfrey


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