Where are we on impeachment today?

In closed-door testimony last week, former envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volcker testified about concerns that Rudy Giuliani was increasingly in charge of US policy in Ukraine, according to new reporting. He reportedly said, "Hanging over everyone’s head in the expert community is: is there some grand bargain with Russia where we throw Ukraine under the bus?" Fiona Hill, an ousted National Security Council expert on Russia and Ukraine reportedly raised concerns in her testimony earlier this week that EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland's actions in Ukraine made him vulnerable to foreign governments who could exploit his inexperience.

On today’s episode:
Gabriel Debenedetti, national correspondent for New York Magazine.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democratic nominee for president in 2016, former Secretary of State, former U.S. senator from New York and former first lady of the United States.

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Hillary Clinton tells Brian that Trump's impulsive withdrawal of American troops from Syria is an additional reason for impeachment. Plus Gabriel Debenedetti, national correspondent for New York Magazine, brings a behind-the-scenes look at how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is handling this politically sensitive moment.