In his concurrence in the Supreme Court's recent decision that struck down race-based affirmative action, Justice Clarence Thomas cited Alison Stewart's book about the rigorous and formerly legally segregated public high school Dunbar.

On Today's Show:
Alison Stewart, host of WNYC's All of It and the author of First Class: The Legacy of Dunbar, America’s First Black Public High School (Lawrence Hill Books, 2015), talks about what she thinks he got wrong and how he misinterpreted what she wrote to uphold his opinion.

In his concurrence in the Supreme Court's recent decision that struck down race-based affirmative action, Justice Clarence Thomas cited Alison Stewart's book about the rigorous and formerly legally segregated public high school Dunbar. On today's show, Alison Stewart, host of WNYC's All of It and the author of First Class: The Legacy of Dunbar, America’s First Black Public High School (Lawrence Hill Books, 2015), talks about what she thinks he got wrong and how he misinterpreted what she wrote to uphold his opinion.