Today I speak to a question that I get quite a few variations of, but the core of it, "how can I get my teen to open up and talk?"

It's usually a desparate situation where the relationship has almost imperceptibly deteriorated over time until one day you wake up and realize there IS no relationship.

The key is to rebuild the relationship, which takes time. Get curious about the other person. Ask open ended questions with no agenda. Don't assume you know what they think or how they feel about something. And always remember whats important to them.

5 conversations framework:

Climate/environment review

work etc

Strengths and talents

what are they good at?

Opportunities for growth

what can they do to improve performance in any school, sports, etc

Learning and development

what skill, talent, or knowledge would they like to learn

Innovation and continuous improvement

where can they improve?
how could the climate or evironment improve