Tom Libelt, Marketing Pro was recently interviewed as a spotlight guest on the Impact Makers Radio Show, “Let's Talk Business” series where he spoke around the topic of, “How to Market Online Courses.”

During his episode, Libelt, CEO of Smart Brand Marketing in Chiang Mai, Thailand also addressed some of the myths, misconceptions, and common fears that entrepreneurs need to be aware of when seeking out online course marketing professionals.

Prior to the show, Libelt spoke with Radio Talk Show Host, Stewart Andrew Alexander, openly, saying, “When it comes to sales online the product is the rock and without it, nothing else works but it is only 20% of the equation. The marketing, the sales, the pitch, the ads, the targeting etc... (those make up the other 80%).”

To learn more about Tom Libelt visit:

To listen to the full episode on Impact Makers Radio go to:

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