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Whether you’re fighting against climate change or concerned about animal welfare, sinking your teeth into a kelp burger is a great place to start. Today we sit with AKUA Founder Courtney Boyd Myers, a visionary whose company promotes sustainable agriculture. As an added bonus, her ocean farming practices keep fishermen employed without harming sea creatures. Having had great success with her first product, kelp jerky, Courtney and her team wanted to create something bigger and better— enter the kelp burger. To kick our conversation off, Courtney talks about the magic behind kelp and its sea vegetable superpowers.

After hearing about its nutritional benefits, and why it’s planet-friendly, we then dive into Courtney’s history in the food industry. She tells us about the lessons she learned from the startup world, as well as how to create a profitable business while remaining ethical. Toward the end of the episode, we turn away from AKUA’s sustainable food mission to look at Courtney’s life in more detail. She opens up about her history, shares valuable tips, and talks to us about lessons she’s learned and mistakes she won’t make again. So join us and sink your teeth into this episode at one of the following links:

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