Leveling up to be the Real Estate Agent you want to be is not an easy road. The Real Estate business is not an easy road despite what Bravo Network and reality shows show us weekly. Setting and hitting those lofty but reachable sales and life goals is a real possibility, but we all need help, training, inspiration, and accountability to get to where we want to be. Plus, being willing to embrace new technology, establishing new systems, learning new sales approaches, and recommitting to basic sales fundamentals is a big step into becoming an elite Real Estate player.

In this first episode of the IMPACT Agent Podcast (formerly the Agent 251 Podcast), Jason Will speaks with Trey Willard. Trey is a team leader of The W Group of Berkshire Hathaway United Properties in Baton Rouge, La. He has seen a lot on the real estate business from personal assistant to a buyer's agent to a lead agent or a solo agent to a team leader and now a team leader and a real estate coach with Tom Ferry. Trey’s shares his insights into “leveling up” in the real estate game. Plus, learn how Trey and his wife Whitney manage to work and live together growing an ever demanding business and family life.

The Big Questions:

What’s it like and how do you navigate work/life balance when working so closely with a spouse? What are the advantages of building a real estate team? What are the big things Agents can do to level up from hobbyist to professional level sales and production? Why should an Agent invest in coaching and additional professional training? What is the difference between relational versus transactional marketing?

Impact Agent Conference 2019
Started by Real Estate Agents for Real Estate Agents.
New Orleans, LA - April 11 - 12, 2019



Trey’s Key Insights and IMPACT moments:

Trey loves working with his wife but realizes that the high-pressure nature of Real Estate can cause unique challenges
In an on-demand world and economy Real Agents have to responsive and quick to reply and satisfy their leads, contacts, and teammates. To know the profitability of your company you need to know the basic net numbers, cost of leads, cost of overhead, and real profit margins. Real Estate is a rough and tough business, but it’s worth the fight and the struggle. The book Rich Dad Poor Dad is a great resource to get you to understand real assets versus liabilities and how to start seeing the big picture Know the “blocking & tackling” fundamentals of Real Estate and sales: Communication, follow-up, consistency, and leveraging your sphere of influence. Don’t be a hobbyist, be a professional that always provides value to clients, teams, family, and community. To be an elite professional, you need to invest in an elite coach. Always be servicing leads not just getting leads. Trey has seen so much in this industry from his experience that he felt he had a ton of value to share and help other agents, coaching just made sense. Real Estate is a skills-based market. Improve your skills, improve your opportunity for success. “Leveling Up” comes from an internal push and genuine interest to be more than you are today.


Quotables and Tweetables:

I don't know the last time that Whitney, with the exception of the holidays of course that just passed, where Whitney and I had an entire Saturday and a Sunday where we were both off, we could spend time with our kids, we could make plans to do things, and that was the things I didn't think about prior to bringing her on board as a team member. - Trey Willard

My Wife and I are really making an effort to do is at certain time of the night like no talk about real estate or work. Just shut it off. Let's just be with each other and be in the moment, be with our children. - Trey Willard

Everyone wants instant gratification, whether it's via text, whether it's a call, whatever it may be. We live in the on-demand economy. We have kind of gotten spoiled by that and we expect that in every aspect of our life, including real estate. - Trey Willard

When we work in a 100% commission business where there's no guarantees…for someone who has a little higher anxiety, it's just a little harder for them to just stay in a upbeat, positive mindset all the time. - Trey Willard

I love to have those really raw and real conversations with people is like true net, like, "What are you netting? Are you at a 30% profit margin? Are you at a 50% profit margin? Are you running a 10% profit margin or a 5% profit margin business?" And depending on how many sales take place every month and depending on what the expenses are, depends on how profitable you are as a company. - Trey Willard

I went back to reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. Reading that book has really been a huge eye-opener for me as far as getting back to real assets versus liabilities and really thinking in big picture, having your money work for you, and like you said, we're doing this for a bigger picture. - Trey Willard

We've gotten back to what Bill Pipes likes to call the blocking and tackling, the fundamentals of real estate, what to say, how to say it, following up, everybody knows the fortunes and the followup, and I've gotten my guys to really buy into that. - Trey Willard

I think the biggest thing is, number one, setting the expectations. I am here, I am a professional, I want to provide value to you.  - Trey Willard

So whether it's sports tickets, whether it's anything someone would need and I can provide that for them and I do it not because I'm looking for something in return. - Trey Willard

It's the law of reciprocity. As soon as you do something for somebody, that seed is planted. They want to repay it. - Jason Will

Tom Ferry says it best: What got you here won't get you there. - Trey Willard

I felt like I just had so much value to give and help other people. That's why I pursued coaching. - Trey Willard

Everybody should want to double their business. My question to her, the followup question was: How? What are you going to do differently in 2019? - Jason Will

Every elite athlete on the planet, every elite I would imagine businessperson on the planet, people that you think that couldn't move any further in their life has a coach. - Trey Willard

In order to continue to gain momentum, you've got to constantly work at it, you've got to be better, and inevitably you have to have someone to hold you accountable. - Trey Willard

There are so many things that a coach can do that you can't do on your own. - Trey Willard

Someone has to give you some direction on how you're going to change your lifestyle. - Trey Willard

There is entirely too many hobbyists, and I think you're going to start to see a shift in the real estate business, not just in the market as a shift but in the real estate business. We're seeing more teams dominate. We're seeing teams and even certain individuals take in more market share than ever. - Trey Willard

It is a skills-based market. The better the skills, the more success the agent will have. I believe that 110%. - Trey Willard


We would like to know what you think about the Agent 251 podcast, especially this episode. Do you agree with Jason? Did any of these ideas help you? Do you disagree with any? Let us know by contacting Jason at [email protected].

Thanks for listening.

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JWRE's goal is to be informative and helpful. Through our service, we hope to earn your business with our exemplary level of service and extensive local knowledge of the Mobile & Baldwin County area.

Agent 251 is recorded and produced at Deep Fried Studios.
Producer: Johnny Gwin