If you have questions of your own, you can tweet us at @immutablefm, email us at [email protected], or join our Slack team!



Topic 1: Are there any particular resources that you guys frequent to digest bits of info to stay aware?

Max Stoiber
Jon Gold
Jacob Thornton
Guillermo Rauch

Topic 2: Places you stay away from when working? And do you do anything to block out access to distractions?

Hacker News and Designer News are bad so I'm not going to link to them.
Figma User Group
Concentrate is dead and the website is gone, so I can't link to it.

Topic 3: People talk about the best practices for handing off files to developers (like Sketch or Figma files). As a developer, what's the best way to learn to quickly build from a design file?

ColorSnapper 2
8 Point Grid

Topic 4: How do you find side projects to work on when you’ve run out of creative juice?

Topic 5: How do you go from good to great?

"Sometimes, magic is just someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect."

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