Previous Episode: 63: Typography

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Topic 1: What's your method of choosing colors for text? Do you prefer to use specific hex values or opacity. e.g. Material Design specifies colors with percentages.

Material Design's type color guidelines
Colorable by jxnblk

Topic 2: Thoughts on the new Macbook Pro?

Runtime on Touch Bar

Topic 3: What's the best monitor recommendation for design other than the 5k iMac's display.? I've heard a lot of good things about Dell but was interested to know your thoughts & recommendations.

Marc Edwards' chart

Topic 4: What's the most memorable project you've worked on?

Design Details #1

Topic 5: What's your process for starting side projects? Do you treat it like you do projects at work, by doing research, defining your target metrics, designing and testing low fi designs, and gradually moving towards final visual designs. Or, do just jump right into mocking out the visuals?


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