Previous Episode: 109: Some Blue, Some Brown

In this final episode of Immutable: Bryn and Sam share their favorite moments and what they're doing next.

💐 people who helped make this show possible

Thank you, [Charlie Deets]( for the theme music src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)
Thank you, Ryan Putnam for the show art
Thank you, Jasdev for all the questions!
Thank you, Sarah for producing this show every week

Other shows

Does Not Compute with Paul Straw & Sean Washington
Design Details - Bryn does that one
Swift Unwrapped with JP Simard & Jesse Squires for iOS Stuff

Favorite episodes

The Color One
The Type One
The 8-Point Grid One
The Gear Episodes
The One with Andrew
The One with Kelly

Where you can find us

If you have more questions to ask us, we'll be around and hanging out in the Immutable channel in Spectrum or you can write to us on Twitter @uberbryn & @soffes

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