Cindy, Steph, and Vincent launch a new podcast, Immune, and reveal how warm temperature protects against atherosclerosis by regulating monocyte migration into the blood.

Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Stephanie Langel, and Cynthia Leifer

Become a patron of Immune!

Links for this episode Leifer Lab at Cornell Stephanie Langel Thermoneutrality suppresses monocyte egress from bone marrow (Circ Res) Fever regulates immunity (Nat Rev Immunol) Macrophage image by Blausen Medical Weekly Science Picks

Cindy - FDA approves second CAR T cell therapy
Steph - Gammaherpesvirus protects against asthma
Vincent - Truth Wins by Jonathan Yewdell

Intro music is by Steve Neal. Immune logo image by Blausen Medical.

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