Previous Episode: 048: LAND OF THE LOST

It's a Hitchcock-style spy thriller with kidnapping, murder, gunfights and explosions.
And, um, it's a "family" movie?
It's the strange 1984 gem CLOAK & DAGGER.

It's a Hitchcock-style spy thriller with kidnapping, murder, gunfights and explosions.

And, um, it's a "family" movie?

It's the strange 1984 gem CLOAK & DAGGER.

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Cloak & Dagger (1984 film) - WikipediaHenry Thomas - WikipediaDabney Coleman - WikipediaRichard Franklin (director) - WikipediaCloak & Dagger on AmazonPreviously on IMMP: MAZES AND MONSTERSAtari 5200 - Wikipedia