Now that we've talked about Leonard Nimoy as host of IN SEARCH OF..., it's finally time for the IMMP to discuss the dramatic action-adventure series whose ensemble included Leonard Nimoy, years earlier. It premiered in 1966, and while it had fans from the very start it exploded in popularity in the years that followed. It came back in the 1980s with a revival series, and also gave rise to a long-running movie franchise.

Now that we've talked about Leonard Nimoy as host of IN SEARCH OF..., it's finally time for the IMMP to discuss the dramatic action-adventure series whose ensemble included Leonard Nimoy, years earlier. It premiered in 1966, and while it had fans from the very start it exploded in popularity in the years that followed. It came back in the 1980s with a revival series, and also gave rise to a long-running movie franchise.


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