Psst. Hey. Yeah, you. You look like a smart guy. Can I interest you in what might be the best grift movie of all time? It's Robert Redford and Paul Newman in 1973's THE STING.

Psst. Hey. Yeah, you. You look like a smart guy. Can I interest you in what might be the best grift movie of all time? It's Robert Redford and Paul Newman in 1973's THE STING.

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The Sting - WikipediaButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - WikipediaWilliam Goldman - WikipediaGeorge Roy Hill - WikipediaPreviously on IMMP: 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEYLeverage (American TV series) - WikipediaThe Sting II - WikipediaNow You See Me (film) - WikipediaDavid S. Ward - Wikipedia