Welcome to The Finance Business & Purpose Podcast!

I'm your host Adina Appelbaum, Accredited Financial Counselor®, financial and business coach, and public interest immigration attorney.

This show is all about finance, business, and purpose: the relationship between empowering ourselves through finances; building businesses that create social change, make an impact, and help us and our families build wealth in the process; as well as how ultimately these things can assist in the journey of finding our purpose.

Many of us have been told it has to be either/or: we have to either focus on making money OR helping others and doing good.

This show is all about how it can be both/and. And how in fact, often, when we are following our purpose, and empowering ourselves with our finances, and building a business, it empowers us to do all these things and thrive financially as well as make change, help others, and create an impact.

Stay tuned for practical steps on how to strengthen your finances, start businesses, and start and continue the journey of finding your true purpose and stories from our guests who are incredible purpose-driven entrepreneurs creating social change and inspiring all of us.

Interested in financial or business coaching? Book a free 30 minute consultation to learn more about ways we can support you here: https://calendly.com/internationalempowerment/consult

If you're from an immigrant family, apply to join Immigrant Finance School™, our signature wealth building program for immigrant families: immigrantfinanceschool.com

Connect with me instagram @adinaappelbaum and @immigrant.finance