Lasting, revolutionary, disruptive change increasingly requires getting SUPER creative about financial strategy, business and legal structures, and values alignment in this day and age, where as a society we face massive challenges to individual's rights, opportunities, and freedoms.

Social entrepreneurs with big visions like our guest in this episode, So Good Pupusas and Pupusas for Education Founder Cecilia Polanco, don't allow themselves to be put in a box. 

Instead of being restricted by the limitations of existing paths and models for social change, they create NEW ONES. They leverage what's available to create structures that allow for innovation and transformational change.

In this episode, listen to Cecilia's story of how she has followed her life experiences and purpose to create self-sustaining educational scholarships and jobs for her community, leveraging BOTH for-profit business and non-profit organizational models.

Free weekly trainings for heart-centered, mission-driven, and social entrepreneurs: 

Learn more about Cecilia's work:

So Good Pupusas -

Pupusas 4 Education: 

Cecilia S. Polanco is a local Durham community organizer and proud graduate of Durham Public Schools who believes #TheRevolutionWillBeWellFed. She is a daughter of the Salvadoran diaspora and indigenous peoples of El Salvador, a long time Durham resident, and local small business owner of So Good Pupusas social justice food truck, and founder of Pupusas for Education non profit community organization. She works in the fields of mental health advocacy, food and environmental justice, economic community development, youth development and organizing, and more just philanthropic and nonprofit systems. She values racial equity and anti-racism, intersectionality, the path from DEI to liberatory systems, building bridges of solidarity, freedom dreaming around decolonized strategies and systems, radical joy and celebration, and a visionary for a healing path forward together. As a facilitator she believes in co-creating brave spaces to grapple with both having experiences and being agents of harm, channeling our inner child in our work, and slowing down to prioritize connection, relationship, and heart centered work.