Did you know you can 10x your goals for the year through even the smallest tweaks?

And even by scrapping some of your plans you had from the beginning of the year?

In this episode, I guide you through the process of checking in with yourself on how things are going so far the first half of this year by sharing some of my own story and process.

By re-evaluating what’s working and not working, you can give yourself an opportunity to be real with yourself about what changes you can make to propel your growth forward for the second half of the year.

Sometimes it's the smallest shifts and tweaks that can make all the difference.

As we are about half way through the year, join me to check in on how any goals you set in the beginning of the year have been going and how to make changes accordingly.

I discuss some lessons in how I have been able to continue to grow during the first half of 2023, despite facing challenges.

Some key takeaways we will get into in the show:

*How to be less hard on yourself and change the framing from feeling failure/shame/pressure/guilt for not meeting certain goals

*How to give yourself more freedom and flexibility to allow your goals to change and evolve organically.

*How to re-assess your goals given you are a different person than you were in the beginning of 2023. It’s ok for goals to change! Goals you anticipated in the beginning of the year may no longer apply or no longer feel good.

*How to allow room for spaciousness, that’s where expansion you might not have been able to even imagine when previously goal-setting happens (I dive deeper on this in the show)

What shifts and tweaks do you plan to make for the rest of 2023? DM me on IG @adinaappelbaum or @immigrant.finance -- I would love to hear!!

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