Wishing and hoping things you want in life will just figure themselves out eventually on their own is NOT the best way to make your goals happen.

Why is that?

Because being passive means being inconsistent.

Whether your goals are related to finances, business, and/or discovering how to make an impact on the world, consistency is what can help you move the needle.

Consistency is how we do the daily, weekly, and monthly actions that add up over time to get us where we want to go in life.

In this episode, learn three strategies how you can have a new perspective on consistency so you can stop feeling stuck doubting what to do and TRUST you’re on the right path to keep going forward. 

Listen to episode 157: "3 Strategies to Build Success Through Consistency" if you're ready to get moving on the path of turning your goals and dreams into reality.

P.S. Ready to learn one of my favorite strategies for finding more trust in yourself and getting clarity on your unique gifts and talents? Check out my FREE Guide on How to Calculate Your Personal Gift: https://www.internationalempowerment.com/gift


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